“Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished”

Do’s and Dont’s for Students
Every Student Must
Bring diary to the school daily.
Note home work and other school activities in it every day.
Come to school clean, tidy, well-groomed and in proper uniform with shoes well-polished, nails cut etc.
Be regular in attendance. Never be late to school. According to C.B.S.E. rule, a student must have 75% attendance in an academic year failing which he will not be allowed to sit for the exams.
Be courteous and respectful to parents, teachers, visitors and peer group.
Look after the property of the school, keep it clean and tidy. If a student wilfully destroys school property, he will be fined for the same.
Keep the class-room neat and tidy and throw waste paper, wrappers etc. in the waste paper basket.
Reach the class-room as soon as the bell rings after the recess.
Get the progress report signed by the parents/guardian within 3 days of its receipt. (Forged signatures if detected will be seriously viewed).
Obey Class Monitors, House Captains and prefects on duty.
Continuous observation of child’s attitude towards teachers, school mates, school property, environment will be recorded in the anecdotal record forms which will be reflected in the report card of the child.
Strict action will be taken against
Use of abusive language and bullying.
Misbehaviour with teachers and students.
Bringing of mobile phones to school. These will be confiscated and parents will have to personally come to school to discuss the issue.
Bringing of Holi colours, crackers, CDs (unless asked by teacher), periodicals, pictures, Pokemon cards, cakes, etc. for any kind of celebration.
Streaking of hair, wearing Nail Polish.
Wearing jewellery except small earrings (for girls).
Bringing gifts for teachers or students.
Bringing motor bikes/scooters to school.
Bringing articles of value such as rings or other pieces of jewellery to the school. The school will not be responsible for the loss of such articles.
Bringing extra money than is required.
Littering in the school campus.
Shouting, loitering without pass in the corridors.
Note : Boys are not allowed to wear ear-rings.
It is mandatory for students to come in the prescribed school uniform on all working days. Students without proper uniform will not be allowed to attend school. Disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters. After 2 defaults, the student will be sent back home at the cost and responsibility of the parents. DAVCMC is committed to instill a sense of oneness, camaraderie and a common identity among the students of our schools. For meeting this objective, it has been decided to introduce a common uniform in DAV Public/Model Schools.
Parents and students, make a note of the following points:
IDENTITY CARDS: Special bar coded Identity Cards are being provided to both the children and their parents. It is mandatory to bring this I-Card to school at the time of fee payment and all school visits.
ABSENTEEISM: In case of absence exceeding three consecutive days without prior information, parents will be contacted. Leave will not be granted except on prior written application from parents. Every absence, sick leave etc., must be entered in the leave record pages of the student’s diary and signed by the parents.
SHORT LEAVE: will be granted to students only on medical grounds or unavoidable circumstances. For availing the same, parents are required to fill the slip available at the reception in duplicate, giving details of name, class and section, reason for leave, use of school transport and the name of bus incharge. The leave will be granted only by the Principal. One copy of the signed slip has to be shown to the guard at the gate.
PS-Kindly bring the application for this purpose.
Short Leave will not be granted under any circumstances during exam days.
You are advised not to send your ward to school in case of any emergency and to submit a medical certificate to the class teacher for the same.
PTM SCHEDULE: To regularize Parent Teacher Interaction, we will hold Parent - Teacher’s day for classes I-XII and CBSE-i, as given in the academic planner.
No parent will be allowed to meet the teachers except on PTM day.Attendance of the parents would be recorded by the Class Teacher.
SCHOOL TIMINGS: 7.40 am to 1.40 pm.
LATE COMERS: Gates will be closed at 7.40 am and students will not be allowed to attend school after the stipulated time.
REGULAR DIARY CHECK: Constant vigilance on part of the parent/guardian pays rich dividends. They should refer to the child's diary daily and see to it that he is not habitually late or without uniform and that he does homework neatly and regularly. They should also check for any remarks by the teachers about the child’s progress and conduct.
MEDICAL CASES: A child who is ill should not be sent to school to attend classes or take tests. Chances are that he will do badly and consequently spoil the record of his term’s work. If the child cannot attend the school on account of ill health or any other unavoidable reason, the “Leave Application” along with medical certificate may please be sent. A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a fitness certificate.
MEDICAL CHECKUP: Regular medical checkup is conducted for all students by the school doctor.
REDRESSAL: Criticism of a teacher should be avoided in the presence of the child because it undermines his/her respect for the teachers and the school. Should you have a legitimate complaint, please meet the Principal/Incharges.
MOBILE ALERTS: These will be sent to parents to communicate important information. Please ensure your correct mobile number is registered with the school.
WARNING CARDS: There are three warning cards which can be issued to students for indiscipline - white card, yellow card & red card depending on the severity of the indiscipline.