Workshop With Students
Click here to view images- A Seminar on "Mastering Time: Effective Study Planning and Smart Exam Strategies" for Class 9 was organised by the experts from Allen Institute on 28/1/25 .It empowered the students to excel academically by mastering the art of time management and strategic planning. Key areas of focus included Pre-Exam Preparation, Post-Exam Reflection, Time Management During the Exam and Ensuring Completion Without Gaps. It was a very useful seminar and the students learnt a lot from it.

Career guidance sessions
The school counselor keep on conducting detailed sessions for making students aware of all possibilities of professional work that are related to different areas. Few more career sessions are conducted for them by calling experts from outside to give them more career awareness. The way of choosing career and careers coming out from different streams are discussed in detail.
Inculcating values in children
The purpose of these sessions is to teach moral values and do social emotional interventions by means of telling stories, providing visual and audio aids and engaging the audiences. Puppet shows are also organized for students to begin with Bibliotherapy interventions. Regular classroom sessions are also carried out with students, focusing on values.

Gender Sensitivity
The aim of these session is to make students aware about various gender stereotypes prevailing in the society, gender discrimination, gender roles and responsibilities. A healthy discussion on how and who is responsible for making these stereotypes towards boys and girls is done. Different consequences of following these stereotypes blind folded are highlighted in these session.
Cyber awareness
Students are told the difference between tradition and cyber bullying, how to be safe and wise while using internet and social sites like facebook and twitter. They are suggested ways to be safe from the ‘bullies’ on social sites. Also ‘Netiquettes’ i.e. Etiquettes while using net are taught to the students in these sessions.

Growing up sessions and ARSH Sessions
These sessions, a Heart-to-Heart Talk on Growing up and adolescent reproductive health issues is done to help them understand and deal with the changes they experience in puberty. The goal was to create an opportunity for pre teens/teens to receive information together in an engaging format and relaxed atmosphere. Various queries and concerns are handled here in a nonthreatening environment created by the school counselor.
Meaning of bullying, identification of bullies, and methods to deal with bullies are talked about. Visual aids like flashcards are used to reinforce tips that can help students avoid being bullied.
Media literacy
The aim of these session is to mobilize the students about the unprecedented effects of media through interactive activities and discussions.

Study and exam skills
This session is focused on making students aware about various study skills like planning, organization, study techniques, time management etc which are important part of the whole process.
Individual counseling
A one to one counseling interaction between the counselor and the student takes place whenever the student feels the need for professional help. The session is documented and further sessions are planned according to the need, keeping in mind, the counseling process, skills and ethics. The focus of the session is:
To help the student to come back to a normal positive mental health.
To improve personal effectiveness.
To bring about a freedom with responsibility to choose and act appropriately to the immediate environment.
To make an informed decision such that the personal growth is fostered.
Building relationship with parents
Orientation sessions are planned every year for parents by the counselor focusing on various themes like:-
Development milestones
Building relationship with kids
Parenting skills
Role of parents in career planning
Creating awareness about Good touch - bad touch
Session on dealing with growing up challenges
Parental counseling
A one to one detailed interaction with parents is done whenever parents feel the need to share and seek guidance on issues relating to the child. Sometimes on the basis of referrals made by the teachers, parents are being called upon for meeting. PTMs is also the time when parents get the opportunity to meet the counselor.
Programmes for Teachers
Need based workshops are planned for teacher staff time to time
Workshop on “Class room management for teachers”
Training teachers to talk about “good touch-bad touch and POCSO”
Workshop on “Gender sensitivity” by CBSE
Classroom guidance sessions
These sessions focus on a specific issue that are either negatively impacting learning in the classroom/school or based on the need assessment done in the classrooms.
These activities are usually carried out in the form of interactive/reflective activities.Some of these sessions are:
Self awareness
Communication skills
Building Interpersonal relationships
Enhancing creativity
Making decisions
Multiple intelligence
Learning styles etc
Individual counseling
Students are able to meet one-on-one with their school counselor to discuss issues that are affecting them. They are free to meet the school counselor in their free periods. They also can discuss their issue through Question box that is being placed outside the counselor room. They are helped to deal with various academic, behavioral, emotional and social issues.
Different kinds of therapies are being used to work with students.
Peer education
Successful school-based programmes use teaching methods that involve students. Therefore, effective school health programmes include academic skills and knowledge development that make full use of a range of pedagogical techniques, including active learning, peer education, enquiry-based learning, life skills education and staff education through training and development of school personnel.
Peer educators are role models for healthy living and may act in different roles, such as facilitators, counsellors, sources of information, support peers or tutors.
Peer educators are being selected after careful observation and are mentored throughout to help them do justice to their role.