Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-110088

Community Outreach Club  

Click here to view the newsletter of the Community Outreach Club

“HELPAGE INDIA”- Click here for pics

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

As a part of Community outreach program, the students & teachers of classes 9&10 of DLDAV MODEL SCHOOL, Shalimar Bagh gave donation , sweets, diyas,lights, candles, torans, rangolis etc. to the underprivileged people of ‘Helpage India’ .

“Happiness multiplies when shared with others”

This festival of lights was celebrated by lighting up the lives of people who were otherwise surrounded with darkness and gloom. The efforts was to bring smiles and happiness on their faces. It was a humbling experience for all who donated ,with a heart full of compassion and empathy.

Visit to Old Age home

Click here for pics

As part of Community outreach program,the senior students (Class XI & XII) of DL DAV MODEL SCHOOL, SHALIMAR BAGH visited an Old Age Home in Bindapur. The visit was an eye-opening experience that not only broadened the perspectives of students but also touched their hearts.

Animal Welfare- Click here for pics

On October 25, 2024, the Ramagya Foundation and PETA India held an animal welfare workshop at DLDAV Model School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, for primary students.

Celebrating Gratitude this Diwali

Students of Classes VI-VIII at DLDAV Model School, Shalimar Bagh came together to express heartfelt gratitude to our incredible support staff.

Diwali with Saksham Foundation- Click here for pics

दिवाली के अवसर पर हर घर दीपों की रोशनी से जगमगाए व सबको खुशियाँ मिलें अपार-इस दिशा की ओर कदम बढ़ाते हुए कक्षा नवीं और दसवीं के छात्रों व अध्यापकों ने विद्यालय की प्रधानाचार्या श्रीमती रीना राजपाल जी की अगुवाई में आज ‘सक्षम स्वयंसेवी संस्था’ को दिवाली के उपहार व कुछ धनराशि दान दी।

Diwali with NGO Palna- Click here for pics

student volunteers of Class 9 & 10 to the NGO PALNA on 26th October 2024. A team of 18 students and two teachers visited the orphanage to meet the small little children residing there.

Blood Donation Camp- Click here for pics

A BLOOD DONATION was organised by LIONS BLOOD BANK, SHALIMAR BAGH on 05-10-2024 for parents and staff in school premises with the help of Community Outreach Club .
A team of doctors and technicians did a wonderful job.
Parents and staff members came forward and participated in the noble cause. The drive was a success. Donors were also given DONOR'S CARD, A MUG ( as a memento),and snacks after the donation.

Free general health check up camp- Click here for pics

COMMUNITY OUTREACH CLUB of the school organised a free general health check up camp on 5th October for staff and parents. The camp was organised by BLK-MAX SUPESPECIALITY HOSPITAL. A team of doctors, nurses and technicians came and parameters like BLOOD PRESSURE, BLOOD GLUCOSE, HAEMOGLOBIN, BONE DENSITY AND PSA FOR MALES were checked. Physician consultation was also there and necessary advice and treatment was given.
The camp was a great success. Parents and staff turned out in great numbers to ensure their well being.

ME TO WE CAMPAIGN- Click here for pics

Carrying forward *Me to we drive** ( an initiative of class 9 th students) representatives of the NGO SAKSHAM were invited to visit the school on 16 th august.
Representative of
NGO briefed principal, teachers & student volunteers about their NGO working & needs of their students.
Student volunteers gifted few hand-made articles artistically prepared by house students.
The volunteers also donated some amount collected by them.
*We at DLDAV* *Shalimarbagh* encourage our students to stand up for the society well being because if we change the way we look at the things,the things we look at will change one day.

SUBSTANCE ABUSE- Click here for pics

An Interactive workshop was conducted on SUBSTANCE ABUSE. for class 10th students on 19 July 2024 by Dr. SUHAIL QURESHI ( ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR AND UNIT HEAD, MEDICAL ONCOLOGY AT FORTIS HOSPITAL, SHALIMAR BAGH).
Children were taught about the harmful effects of substance abuse and many ways it can affect not only the child mentality, physically and emotionally but also their families and near ones. How it can affect their academics and personal growth.
All the queries of children were also taken and were resolved beautifully.


Cervical Cancer ranks as 2nd leading cause of female cancer in India, causing 77000 deaths every year. The good news is that it is preventable.
Therefore,a small awareness programme in our school for the students , staff and parents was organised on PTM Day on 10 August 2024 by SERUM INSTITUTE OF INDIA.
Parents and staff were informed about the causes and harmful effects of this deadly disease and also how it is spread. All the information regarding the new first indigenous vaccine for cervical cancer( Cevavac) Manufactured by Serum Institute of India and its availability was also shared.
The camp was a great success and was appreciated by all.

students volunteers visited the NGO PALNA- Click here for pics

Carrying forward *Me to we drive** initiated by class 9 th students of DLDAV model school, shalimar bagh,few students volunteers visited the NGO PALNA on 13 th august.
Students met the little children residing there,gifted few hand-made articles artistically prepared by house students. Volunteers spent good one hour with the children in palna , sang and danced with them. Director of Palna Mrs Neeru Bhatnagar, interacted with the students The volunteers donated some amount collected by them.
We at dldav encourage our students to stand up for the society well being.
Helping others is a privilege and an honor". "In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy". "It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it". "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud".

NGO Palna visits school campus- Click here for pics

*We are not put on this earth for ourselves but are placed here for each other*
DLDAV Model School,Shalimar Bagh under the able leadership of Principal Ms.Reena Rajpal enthusiastically initiated A *“Me to We “campaign* by class IX students of the school.On the momentous day of Saturday ,10 August,2024,the students of class IX connected with *PALNA (Delhi Council for Child welfare)an NGO*.The students, keenly donated eatables to children, residing in Palna with generous hearts and lots of warmth.The school house students gifted self -prepared, *eco-friendly and best out of waste articles* like cards, pads, bookmarks, photoframes, planters, etc to the underprivileged children.Ms.Neeru Bhatnagar, the director of Palna graced this occasion .She along with her team motivated the parents and students to empathise and help these under privileged children. The team also highlighted various programs and services aimed at caring for and developing the underprivileged children in and around Delhi.
The day was filled with a lot of zeal and fervour and provided an ennobling experience to all the students. The school aims to keep this torch of compassion burning forever as *“Caring has a gift of making the ordinary very special*


Contact Us ↓

BN-Block, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-88
Phone: 011-45565075
E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.dldavsb.in

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