DLDAV believes that the current world order is being changed by the forces of globalization. It also understands that the world will progress only through collective growth not individual celebration. It thus envisions sensitizing and empowering the future citizens to become global citizens in the emerging knowledge society. Adopting the learner-centered approach, replete in experiential and participatory activities, it aims to:
Make the entire educational experience a medium to understand the interconnectedness in the world.
Provide a global dimension and a holistic perspective to help learners understand the complex contemporary realities
Connect education to real world issues enhancing understanding of the economic, cultural, political and environmental influences which shape our lives.
Organize international programs so that learners imbibe the global citizenship themes-rights and responsibility, conflict and peace, fairness and equality and sustainable living.
Encourage and enable the learners to participate in international activities which would hone their global citizenship skills - Communicating, Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Collaborating, empathy, conflict resolution, action taking.
Inculcate acceptance and appreciation of diversity and to recognize the rights and responsibilities of both present and future generations.
Nurture critical and creative thinking making learners active and conscientious social agents who work for social justice and sustainable development.
Nurture individual and collective growth for self and societal transformation
Educate in a spirit of hope and optimism which would enable learners to become dynamic individuals who safeguard human rights and seek solutions for global afflictions.
Communication and Collaboration Skills are nourished through many strong international programs like the Global Virtual Classroom, Generation Global, ISA with British Council, 'Energy Saving', Mystery Skype, World Peace Song. These programs which are carried out with countries like USA, UK, Taiwan and Italy provide students with an opportunity to engage in dialogue with their peers across the globe on issues ranging from Women's Rights, Bullying, Peace to Medical Ethics. The learners have won numerous awards for their excellent participation and skills. The learners carry out a special Google web rangers drive to educate children and community about cyber crime and to promote safe use of internet.