Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-110088



What is Counselling?

Counselling is the process of receiving help from a trained and experienced counsellor. A counsellor will help you identify and work through particular issues that your child is facing. Counsellors are particularly helpful if an issue is difficult to face alone or child is unsure of dealing with an issue.

In what ways counselling can benefit child?

Counselling can help when child:

  • Is unsure of how to deal with an issue
  • Feel there is no one to talk to
  • Want some help in making a difficult decision
  • Have tried to deal with an issue alone but havens’t succeeded.
Can parents approach counsellor?

Yes, definitely you can approach counsellor by having prior appointments in the fixed time slots.

Counselors help students with social/emotional, academic and behavioral concerns.

In case you feel that your child needs assistance, you need to fill the referral from and send it to the counselor.

Also please understand that individual counseling is a small part of comprehensive school counseling program. Counsellor addresses many issues through classroom sessions, workshops, teacher– parent consultative services and other programs.

How long will counselling take?

The number of sessions child will have with a counsellor vary dependent on the type of issue and child’s own needs. Most students have three to four appointments with a counsellor.

How will I know that child needs counseling?

There are certain signs and symptoms which you could keep in mind in order to easily identify the problem your child is facing and thus can make sure that child is in need of counseling. It’s important to note that these symptoms should persist for longer duration to say that the child has issues.

  • Difficulty in concentration.
  • Absenteeism
  • Sudden or gradual deterioration in academics.
  • Considerable increase or decrease in weight.
  • Loss of interest in and pleasure in activities/life. A general feeling of apathy.
  • Very lethargic.
  • Being tired
  • Irritability
  • High anxiety.
  • Very reserved.
  • Very aggressive.
  • Withdrawn from friends. Prefers being alone.
  • Talks about suicide.
  • History of family problems, recent separations, death of family member
Can the child go to counsellor on their own?

Yes, Child can contact counsellor on their own, can be refereed by any teacher and even by his/her friends.

Is Counselling Confidential?

Counsellors cannot discuss your situation or pass on any information given by you to other members of staff, your family or your friends unless you have given permission in writing.

Seeking counselling will not bring harm to your child or your family.

What counselors do with the information they get during session?

Counsellors are required to keep records of each counselling session. They will generally take notes during or after a counselling session to keep track of your progress, to follow up on any discussions in previous sessions and to determine the best solutions or strategies for you.

In case of reference

In some cases, a counsellor may refer you to another specialist service. In these cases, the referral will be to an organisation, which can provide specific or specialist assistance, which is not available in the school.

What does a school counselor do in the school setting?
  • Individual Counseling
  • Group Counseling
  • Consulting & Collaborating with Teachers, Parents, Administrators, Students, outside agencies, other Counselors
  • Build Relationships
  • Crisis Situations
  • Conflict Mediation
  • Classroom guidance sessions
  • Parent Education
  • Workshops for parents, teachers and students
  • Referrals
  • Maintain Confidentiality
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BN-Block, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-88
Phone: 011-45565075
E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.dldavsb.in

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